We offer free academic tutoring and life skills building to disadvantaged students.
Awareness USA teachers and tutors strive to build positive long-term relationships with students and families who need it most.
Dr. Bikkasani presented an interactive motivational talk to the students at the Bible Truth Ministry Academy. He talked about dreaming big, communication skills, success principles, and other soft skills to help students succeed in life.
Awareness USA partnered with the charitable NATS (North American Telugu Society) and the locally owned Butterfly Pharmacy in to distribute meals to East Tampa families struggling during the pandemic.
Awareness USA joined Feed Our Children Ministry during their Thanksgiving Food Drive-Thru event to help Tampa Bay families in need. Awareness USA was there to help distribute free 5 Star Thanksgiving meals with a full bag of groceries on Thanksgiving Day. In all, Awareness USA was able to sponsor 100 bags of groceries of the more than 150 bags of groceries provided and helped distribute over 400 meals total!
Let’s talk about grit for a moment. I don’t mean grits, those delicious little morsels of cornmeal or hominy-based porridge (that is another blog post entirely), or the type of grit comprised of tiny pieces of stone or sand. I’m talking about grit, as in: the point where fortitude and focus coincide; the marriage of phenomenal willpower and clear-cut objectives; the resolve and resilience to continually follow-through and reach one’s goals…grit!
Many of us are familiar with the idiom “Curiosity killed the cat”; however, the entire phrase is actually “Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.” The first (and most commonly referred to) half of the expression elicits a warning about the dangers of unnecessary queries but that admonition quickly becomes encouragement when the latter half of the phrase is considered.
At the turn of the century, unbeknown to us, we entered the 3rd Era in the history of humanity. The scope and scale of this Era are far beyond the hunter-gatherers and Agricultural Era. The ideas, knowledge, skills, and tools evolved from science and technology set off the industrial revolution in the 17th century that laid the foundation for this Era.