Chaitanya Saradhi

Giving Back

Mission: To set up computer classrooms in government schools in India and provide free computer literacy to the underprivileged students in India.

Chaitanya Saradhi is an Indian-based non-profit organization whose primary goal is to help underprivileged students in government schools to compete with the graduates from private schools for higher education and job opportunities. We set up computer labs and support the digital libraries in the schools, hire instructors, and provide the equipment and technical support to run them. We believe all high school graduates should be proficient in the use of computers to enhance their learning. We believe education is the mother of human progress, and the computer is the window of opportunity into the modern world.

We also work with students to inculcate soft skills that will help them build relationships to succeed in life. We teach them self-expression, communication, goal setting, success principles, in addition to the virtues of hard work, honesty, fairness, and equality. We do this through interactive talks, videos, and print media. This part of the program includes mentoring students to educate them about good health, both for themselves and the global community in which  they live.

Dr Bikkasani's inspiring work in India

    The following are some of the key components of our program:

  • Personal hygiene:

    Personal hygiene: In 2006, the World Bank reported that India loses 6.4 percent of GDP annually because of poor hygiene. India loses at least 1,000 children every day to diarrheal deaths resulting from open defecation and lack of proper sanitation facilities. Our goal is to teach and instill in students the need to practice the principles of proper personal hygiene: to avoid contamination of food and water and to promote public health.
    We believe that observing principles of personal hygiene is the most effective way of maintaining good personal and community health. 
  • Caring for the environment:

    Protecting the environment is an immediate survival challenge for all - young and old - across the world. In rural India, people are used to burning wood, crop residue, and dung cakes for fuel, which releases smoke, soot, particulate matter, and other toxic substances, which constitutes 90% of the air pollution. Educated individuals living in cities not subjected to this way of life are oblivious to the perilousness of this practice on our environment. Trash and garbage are a common sight in both urban and rural India. A brown cloud has built over the Asian continent affecting the monsoon, crops, and the health of the people in the region.

    The goal of this program is to teach the students the value of saving and planting trees and protecting the forests to help keep our planet green. Chaitanya Saradhi organizes student volunteers to pick up trash and recycle plastics in their schools regularly and periodically from the streets.
  • Understand the principles of nutrition:

    A growing economy, wealth, affordability, and lack of awareness about the risks of excessive consumption of calories resulting in obesity, hypertension, diabetes, stroke, and heart attacks are a growing problem in India. Indian population is at a high risk of heart attacks and sudden death due to smaller coronary arteries, and metabolic factors. Before obesity becomes a monster problem as it is in the west, we want to raise students’ awareness in preventing childhood obesity in India.

    Our goal is to educate the students to adapt to healthy eating habits in line with the sound principles of proper nutrition. We advise students to eat a balanced meal rich in fruits and vegetables, enabling them to live a long and healthy life. A vegetarian or vegan diet can't protect from the ills of overindulgence in oil, fat, and excess colries from sweets. Childhood obesity prevention begins with educating grandparents and parents to avoid force-feeding infants and children. We also tell students to say “NO” to drugs, alcohol, and smoking.
  • Good citizenship and the principles of human evolution:

    Prior to the advent of modern society, in order for humanity to survive and progress it was necessary to help others for the common good. This involved sharing resources, tools, skills, and hunting in groups. The nature of longing for each other through love, friendship, family, community, and cooperation has been the capstone of social evolution. Similarly, the prohibition of stealing and homicide have evolved for the safety and security of the community. Self-care and helping others have punctuated human value systems for millennia.

    Chaitanya Saradhi believes in inculcating the good moral values that are conducive to human solidarity and progress. We teach students that caring for themselves, while observing the social, moral, ethical, and legal norms is self-preservation, whereas bending or breaking moral or legal norms is selfishness. We promote the value of interdependence, mutual help, honesty, responsibility, and tolerance among the students. We advocate integrity, equality, fairness, and civility. The students should learn to respect and tolerate others’ faith, customs, traditions, and religious preferences not just theirs. We believe in shaping a harmonious, fairer, healthier, and more civilized India.


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